LOTS of chemicals for sale in Bakersville, North Carolina

Andy Palmer has a large quantity of chemicals for sale in Bakersville. Here’s what he says about what he’s got:

I've kind of got a LOT of chemicals in storage here and would love to get rid of them. I'm actually going up to NY to bring down the last of what I've got there - probably around another 2000 lbs or so. Sooooo here's the chemicals I've got BEFORE I head to NY to pick of the rest of what I've got there. Anything that doesn't have an amount written, I've got 10lbs or less of it. I tried to look up the prices of things and found what the 10lb cost at Highwater, Standard, Laguna, Clayking., etc ..was; which is how I came up with the prices listed - but a lot of the things I couldn't find anywhere (does anyone even sell mined Albany Slip? or Cadmium Carbonate?)

Pictured here is just the first of four pages of what Andy has for sale. Download the complete list here: https://goo.gl/sKsTWn

Contact Andy at ajpalmer2121@gmail.com or 607-345-5461.
